
Furthering Education

Beth and I finished Phase I of our Professional Certification program tonight. All new teachers have to go through this three year process to meet state standards. I'm still not convinced it's anything but a hoop to jump at this point. I could better use my time directly in my classroom. Hopefully, it will be more focused when it starts up again in the fall. Only two more years to go!

On another note, I start up my master's program in a month. I've had the last couple of months off, which has been nice. I'll be taking microbiology this summer, with a focus on the evolution and ecology of these interesting beasties. I'll also get to study more thoroughly the Archaea, which I've had limited exposure to thus far. If all goes according to plan, I'll have my master's by next summer. Then I'll be able to relax for a little while before deciding what to do next!

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